Volkshochschule im Landkreis Cham e.V. is registered, non-profit association. VHS provides courses in the field of society, vocation, languages, health culture and special courses (second chance schools and illiteracy programmes). VHS Cham has a long term experience of course development with the specific focus on language (136 courses per year / 1280 participants per year) and experience in organising language courses for specific groups: senior learners, migrants, and people from rural areas. From several years VHS Cham offers special courses (languages, ICT, health) for people living and working in rural areas.
In addition VHS Cham has been working in several Europe – wide development programmes: Leonardo da Vinci and Socrates Grundtvig Programmes.
Karin Doerr
Tel. +499971850145
Aleksandra Sikorska
Tel. +499971850140